Florida Legal Services advocates for vulnerable populations and their whole legal needs.
Their attorneys practice in all of Florida's state and federal courts.
They work on the most pressing and current issues faced by low-income and disenfranchised Floridians and embrace a Community Lawyering model of law practice.
They affect systemic change for:
- Low-wage earners and disenfranchised job seekers
- People in need of health care and prescription drugs
- Domestic violence survivors
- Vulnerable seniors
- Children with special needs and at-risk youth
- People seeking safe, fair and affordable housing
- Institutionalized people (Florida Institutional Legal Services Project)
- Immigrants and migrant workers (Migrant Farmworker Justice Project)
- People facing racial, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation discrimination
Hours of operation:
- Between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Monday to Friday