Memphis area legal services, inc. (MALS) is the primary provider of civil legal representation to low income families in the western Tennessee counties of Shelby, Fayette, Tipton and Lauderdale.
For most help, individuals must be a U.S.
Citizen or legal resident, have low-income and limited assets and be seeking help with a civil legal issue of the type they handle.
While most services are available only to low-income individuals and families, special funding enables them to provide assistance to the elderly, those with foreclosure prevention, mortgage default and other housing matters, and tax issues even if you are not low-income.
They do not handle criminal cases, class actions, malpractice, personal injury/product liability or worker's compensation.
You may apply for assistance by calling (901) 523-8822.
Residents in outlying areas of Fayette or Lauderdale Counties may call them toll free at (888) 207-6386.