Legal services from Oklahoma, Inc.
(LASO) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that provides civil legal aid to low-income people throughout Oklahoma.
LASO lawyers and advocates handle civil cases involving consumer issues, education issues, family law issues, domestic violence issues, elderly law issues, employment and unemployment issues, housing issues, housing issues, health issues, public benefit issues, mental health issues, and more.
Many of LASO's programs and services are available only to those who meet financial eligibility guidelines.
Clients are financially qualified for their services during their confidential induction interviews.
The income is calculated on the basis of the applicant's gross family income and the number of people in the household.
Non-exempt assets may also be taken into account to qualify applicants for their services.
However, there are a lot of program services that are not sensitive to income.
Non-income legal services are for people with AIDS, people over 60 and victims of housing discrimination.